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  • Writer's pictureBoom Bonnes

How to make jar in Blender.

Updated: Feb 15, 2022

How to make jar in blender

We have making this jar on our channel noob in blender click here to open the video on youtube or you can watch it in here.You can also download the jar blend. file the link below.

Some notes and Tips:

  1. This image that appear in video is final render.

  2. When you want to add subdivision modifer make sure to delete the bottom face of clinder by pressing Delete then faces in edit mode then select the round edge by presing alt then presing E to extrude and S to make face and stop to create anthor one 3-4 faces then fill the hole by pressing F. You will have this result the top one and if you didn't have more faces you will have bottom problem:

differnet between have one face and 3-4 faces when apply sudivsion mdifer
differnet between have one face and 3-4 faces when apply sudivsion mdifer

To download blend. file click download:

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